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In Motion

1 dancer

1 Musician 

Duration: 12 minutes

Choreography: Nidal Abdo

Scenography: Khaled Alweare

Music:  Pooya Alinia

Co-Producer: Agency of artists in exile

Production: Collective Nafass


The intensity of the past while’s isolation put us through a greater challenge than what we’ve ever expected, took us to even darker places that we’ve never visited nor we were ready to digest.. and as the time pass by our realizations took us beyond the norm and we started to realize that this is all meant to be.. it meant to be to adapt!

Here we are taking from that isolation the opportunity to reshape the form of our creative thoughts, transcend the uncertainty, break through the fear of the unknown and interpreting our feelings through the wavelength of the body and the soul... Packaging everything in one art piece and transferring it “IN MOTION”



L’isolement du confinement a replongé avec intensité dans notre passé, nous a emporté dans des endroits sombres encore jamais visité ou que nous n’étions pas prêts a digérer... et le temps est passé; nos realisations nous ont amené au delà des normes et nous avons commencé a comprendre tout ce que cela signifiait... cela voulait dire 

Avec cet isolement, nous avons l’opportunité de redonner forme a nos idées créatives, de transcender l’incertain, de briser la peur de l’inconnu et de traduire nos sentiments à travers les ondes du corps et de l’âme

 Tout emballer dans une seule oeuvre d’art et le transferrer dans “IN MONTION”



Pooya Alinia

Born in 1986 in Teheran, Iran, Pooya Alinia is a composer, arranger and a musician specialized in classical guitar. He is also a pianist and an instrumentalist. He studied at the Music University of Teheran, then taught classical guitar, piano and music theory for 10 years. He specialized in composition for cinema and theatre and won numerous awards in various festivals. He collaborated with various singers in Iran, composed and arranged their albums. He arrived in France in 2019 and he is a member of the agency of artists in exile.




Nidal Abdo

Nidal started dancing at a young age at the Ballet Dance School of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus 1999, and in 2005 became a professional dancer participating with Enana Dance Theatre in different festivals and countries. To Caracalla Dance Theatre in 2010 danced there for 7 years.. He ended up in Paris, France, where he completed his diploma in Modern-jazz, at the National Institute of Dance in Paris. He founded Collective Nafass in early 2018 in France

In Motion

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